Telling Time for Archaeologists


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A Time for Telling

This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to da...

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Touch is an important and often underutilized sense in human-computer interaction. For those with hearing or seeing impairments, touch becomes even more important and may be the only suitable communication channel. Touch can also be used to convey information discreetly. Also time plays a crucial role in our daily lives and therefore telling the time is very important. The two main subjects of ...

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Truthfulness and Relevance in Telling The Time

Someone asked ‘What time is it?’ when her watch reads 3:08 is likely to answer ‘It is 3:10.’ We argue that a fundamental factor that explains such rounding is a psychological disposition to give an answer that, while not necessarily strictly truthful or accurate, is an optimally relevant one (in the sense of relevance theory) i.e. an answer from which hearers can derive the consequences they ca...

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Telling time with an intrinsically noisy clock

Intracellular transmission of information via chemical and transcriptional networks is thwarted by a physical limitation: the finite copy number of the constituent chemical species introduces unavoidable intrinsic noise. Here we provide a method for solving for the complete probabilistic description of intrinsically noisy oscillatory driving. We derive and numerically verify a number of simple ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Northeast Historical Archaeology

سال: 2000

ISSN: 0048-0738,0048-0738

DOI: 10.22191/neha/vol29/iss1/2